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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2013 9:00pm-9:30pm EST

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egypt's opposition threatens to storm the presidential palace amid nationwide protests against the country's leader mohamed morsi. and earlier this week the birthplace of the arab spring in tunisia witnessed a similar scenes of unrest as anti-government protests were sparked by the assassination of a prominent opposition figure. soon to be cia chief john brennan went through a confirmation hearing this week but made a cat calls and protests and it's still hard to tell where the architect of the targeted assassination program will take america's spy bureau. concerns arise if
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the u.s. middle missile defense shield is fit to fulfill its announced goal propelling any possible strike from iran as classified studies unveiled serious flaws in the costly system. and russia counts down to the two thousand and fourteen winter olympics with moscow promising a grand spectacle the highly anticipated games are shaping up to be the most expensive in history with huge overspending already costing a key organizer his job. broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is r t i'm sean thomas let's get right to your top stories egypt's opposition has called for more rallies and threatened to storm the presidential palace the protesters. cuse mohamed morsi of
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not upholding the goals of the revolution that ousted hosni mubarak two years ago the turmoil has also been fueled by the authorities decision to block the video sharing web site you tube in the country for a month over its anti islamic content but as r.t. isabelle true reports the decision is only likely to inflame more tensions there's been a lot of condemnation of the banned by protest movements to see you keep it as a vital resource for disseminating information about human rights abuses by the security forces it's also an indication of an islam ization all of egypt has been a number of quite controversial statements made by these hardline muslim clerics in the last few weeks including a religious edict calling proposition forces to be killed and a muslim cleric speaking to an egyptian. justifying sex mob attacks on egyptian protesters in tahrir square you have a very restive country here in egypt in the last few weeks especially since the second anniversary of the journey went into five revolution when thousands gathered
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in the streets of egypt that complaining that their president had mostly had not made key changes in demands of the revolution friday we saw more protests as part of friday's day of dignity thousands of protesters gathered across the main rallying points in this in the country which devolved into clashes between protesters and security forces in the capital here by the presidential palace. the building with molotov by take us and water cannons and so bloody of violence in the in the governor with that same couple sake as well as violent clashes and. we have more protests on the horizon with further expected violence we don't see this finishing anytime soon gyptian journalist and a blogger while it's condor says president morsi and his allies actions are causing the country's citizens to become increasingly disillusioned. what the muslim brotherhood right now is trying to do is restore autocratic rule and much like the mubarak method of governing and i think the way the political actor see it is that
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mubarak was not ruthless enough and did not climb down on freedoms enough to sustain his rule and this is what they're trying to remedy the you tube verdict comes in light of. you know many other decisions that clamp down on freedoms and it's no surprise that they will try to install the infrastructure necessary to clamp down on. various websites that they see as a threat to their rule where we're going to see more waves of protests and we're going to see more violence because if you look at the situation in egypt the regime did not die the symbols just changed we just have new people following the same rules. another country rocked by on rest of this week was tunisia public fury there has been ignited following the murder of a secular opposition leader. and dozens were injured and more than three hundred people detained during the rallies which ended with anti-government demonstrators
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clashing with police are too scary for motion has been following the dramatic developments in the tunisian capital forty eight year old lawyer to criticize the islamist government for creating and really just state in tunisia and burying democracy now the light is dead but his ideas are not the museum crees the country has been in crisis economic political and social the ruling troika how to chone says it's been a year in a huff but we didn't see any progress the death of all come right becomes the last straw. anger moved to the streets with protesters demanding the authorities and mabel to protect its citizens to leave. the city related to some crime because believe it was a symbol of dignity and a symbol of the defense of the country that this is a political assassination and that means the violence is not over. the interior ministry said that one million and they have joined the ceremony that turned into
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a political manifestation people said that if the crowd reached the city center it would have been the last day of the government. here attend the funeral of shockey belayed on friday after the ceremony try to make their way to the city's main haven't yet she continued and she government protests that they were not allowed to do that police used tear gas immediately was such a such a city was packed with people but slogans we're hearing are completely different was carrying islamist flags people masterly in support of the ruling and not a party the local branch of the museum brotherhood police were at the scene to protest and demonstrators this time this reverse gathering didn't pull more than five thousand participants but the government used this to illustrate that their position was still strong. men did approve the people support and believe our party
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needs all of our revenue or they try to save face but don't have the choice they lost credibility and have no choice but to dissolve the government which is by de facto dissolved already. standing on the brink of a political crisis prime minister protests to form a new cabinet consisting of neutral politicians his own party rejected the plan and cruz and anxiety over possible farthest pleat and fears a growing the political divisions may lead to even more victims i was threaten to another guy from the opposition was attacked at the funerals i don't want to panic and say x. why is that person but there is a list of people those who fight for the revolutions principles liberty democracy dignity we're all in danger two years ago tunisia became the first nation to have an arab spring revolution that has been hailed as a success story praised for the minimum of violence and turmoil but as we watch the
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country face a political implosion it may be only now that this crane that has been wound up tightly it's been sprung for three days clashes between police and protesters shook the country leaving many injured and cars burnt out across the city but it all finished as quickly as it started just hours later the capital looks empty and come and the loudest noise here at the moment is sound of birds twittering here is a nationality she's yeah here while the streets of europe are also lacking stability a wave of countrywide protests hit spain and ireland this week with people expressing their discontent over austerity policies distorting and much more later in the program. john brennan number obama's pick to head the cia and the architect of the drone assassination program had his senate
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confirmation hearing of this week while critics accuse lawmakers of giving john brennan an easy ride some members of the public weren't so shy in expressing their disapproval multiple protesters interrupted the session raising posters accusing brennan of being the driving force behind. so-called targeted killings operations human rights activists claimed that the use of drones against suspected terrorists is unlawful and leads to a high number of civilian casualties after demonstrators were removed from the hall lawmakers questioned brennan on torture and cia shortcomings however critics claims that these inquiries seem strictly ceremonial scholar and author of l. says that given brennan's views his confirmation could set a troubling precedent this is a complete denial our constitutional rights under the fourteenth amendment due process and equal protection of the law and yet when the administration is doing here is they're usurping the. united to the american citizens and saying that
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we can be judge jury and executioner we can do you know american citizens abroad without them having their court we can say they are yours and we can go and the danger of this is when you look at ministrations we can determine who are the jurors and that means they go anywhere and kill any american citizen. without any trial without any problems and that is a very dangerous precedent. on tuesday john brennan is set to go through a closed door classified hearing tired out sensitive technicalities the debate is already brewing about what direction he could to take the cia as art he's going to judge you can comment. in the shadows no more drones are moving into the mainstream drone makers and the u.s. military pushing to defend the killing machine drones are more properly titled
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remotely piloted vehicles allow us to do is to project capability without projecting vulnerability and their revolutionizing warfare by allowing us to see and kill from half a world away. a major drone manufacturer lockheed martin has financed an hour long documentary on drones aired recently on u.s. public television counting the technological capabilities of the killing machine from trailers like this pilots of the predator and its larger cousin the reaper have killed thousands of individuals since two thousand and one using remotely piloted aircraft contrary to popular belief actually provides the greatest degree of ethical oversight for their use and this young man in pakistan would probably disagree several of his family members died at the remote hands of a drone more than a thousand other civilians were reportedly killed by u.s. drone strikes in pakistan and yemen we find ourselves murdering people in many
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cases children with no evidence whatsoever that they are involved in any criminal or terrorist activity the numbers should not come as a surprise considering the broad definition the obama administration gives us to who should be on their kill list the leaked memo on targeted assassinations on the u.s. justice department suggests the u.s. government can kill people even without evidence that they are actively plotting against america somebody a u.s. citizen or otherwise is believed to be thinking something that could lead to actions against the united states then this illogical logic would present the idea that it would be ok for the president to order that that person be killed despite the u.n. raising concerns about the legality of the use of drones the u.s. has said to expand its remote control warfare setting up new drone bases across the world drama has redefined war there an intervention in libya he made the case that the war powers act in
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a pride because there was no risk to american soldiers and so under that rationale he can expand the global war while in his state of the union address queening that we don't need perpetual war for peace but it is perpetual war when you can drop bombs on any country. and then claim that it's not lord john brennan often referred to as the architect of the administration's drone war counts the new opportunities for the us to wage wars without risking american lives there's another reason the targeted strikes can be a wise choice to strategic consequences that inevitably come with the use of force as we have seen deploying large armies abroad won't always be our best offense all in all the u.s. now has around ten thousand drones in its fleet not all of them carry weapons of course a lot of them are for surveillance both domestic and international there's a great push both from the administration and the drone makers to present them as america's next best thing john brennan if confirmed will soon be at the helm of the
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cia and no one doubts that under him the program will expand even further in washington i'm going to go. well be back with more news after a short break right here on our show you don't go away. tears.
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and live from moscow this is our team glad to have you back with us classified studies have revealed that the planned multibillion dollar u.s. missile defense shield in europe might not be able to protect america from possible iranian air strikes russia has long been critical of the missile shield to close to its borders which the u.s. insists is aimed strictly at preventing attacks from iran and north korea and i
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nuclear campaigner bruce a gagner and says despite the recent findings washington is likely to pour more money into the complex i don't think it was ever intended to protect against iranian missiles something inside that do not even exist iran has no nuclear weapons nor do they have capability to launch a missile all the way to the united states clearly this missile defense system has always been about surrounding russia and china and that's why it doesn't the math doesn't work when you look at having it protect against an iranian system fact is nato is expanding in its encircled him and russia i think we're only going to see more of these so called again missile defense deployments into. various nato countries looking at how this oligarch runs our country today how the corporations
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control our congress i think it's clear that congress will continue to support these systems the new secretary of defense that obama is nominated chuck hagel former republican senator from nebraska was one of the co-sponsors in the senate of the missile defense program so he clearly is a strong ally of the system massive strikes have shaken the streets of spain of this week as tens of thousands of teachers and students voiced their anger over education cuts but the government seems to be turning a blind eye to the crowds and says it's committed to belt tightening measures as it struggles to dig the country out of its debt hole the message from the people of spain it was echoed on the streets of ireland where tens of thousands of trade unionists gathered in a massive show of anger against severe austerity measures tough cuts that were implemented to please ireland's creditors it's been relying on a joint e.u. international monetary fund alone since two thousand and ten.
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and angry crowds have been spoiling the mood of the leaders as they celebrate in historic budget deal cutting the block spending for the first time ever however the bill left the european parliament unimpressed with its m.p.'s now planning to block it in a private vote economist james midway weighs in. constitutionally they're well within their rights to reject the thing and send it back and have another go at writing this now whether they actually do that will probably depend on the fine print in the budget or already present to you parliament to said he would be able to support the steel and the heads of one of the major groups in the parliament the socialist group said there are likely to be supported so it's going to be rocky right i think this budget over the next few months cameron's right talk about this being like a reduction in a credit card limits and of course you can have your credit card limit reduced and still spend carry on spending more money now that's almost certainly what's going to happen to britain over the next few years the amounts that britain is expected
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to pay into the main e.u. fund will increase as a result of increased payments to a new member countries so he's going to pretend that this will show how britain can still be a force in europe how we can push the rest of europe around this glosses over the fact of course that he would have got anywhere in this without the support of angle of merkel in particular so he can even try to push that line the you know he knows what he's doing to europe and that we don't need to go so far as to step out of the european union but i wouldn't see the more euro skeptic members of his own party being particularly impressed by any of this. the syrian opposition leader says he is willing to negotiate with president assad's representatives in the north of the country but this comes as heavy fighting in the capital rages on with the rebels attacking damascus with mortar shells and roadside bombs they also seized several neighborhoods but were soon pushed out by a government counter-offensive dr ali mohamed from the syria tribune news website says even if the opposition succeeds in its quest to remove president assad the
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crisis will far be far from over. it's just funny it's just like all of this will be lived there and the same will be nicer ones different than it is now and that's enough to really have a d.v.d. the can actually. write even when the you know it's listed that's it on it's black lives with a nod of defending it because the movie cannot clearly so not be because lucian is dreaming if the believe that they can control the groups are. not singing and the most important part is that these are the princes and the will if you created people they are not full of the issues they are not fighters for freedom they are just workplaces and the coalition will only be able to do what its founder and i mean finding things. to do and if they don't do that they will lose this financing support so they have to do this in the same plan they don't know how to
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who and they cannot because they are not united and they don't have the same view was that it's a big mess and if the west would like to see this big mess for the country meanwhile in his last public appearance before retiring the pentagon chief leon panetta admitted he backed the plan of arming syrian rebels however the white house reportedly vetoed the idea russia was on void to the un told r.t. that despite this the u.s. still has a lot to do with the ongoing crisis in syria the full version of vitaly churkin exclusive interviews on our website r.t. dot com. but the united states chose to stay clean of the bad guys at some point of the crisis the did realize it seems that things going very wrong you know that that is terrorist groups were coming in that the radical islamists are where we're active and that the original scenario they had in mind that it would take just a couple of months to topple the assad regime and then sort of democracy will triumph was completely unrealistic but i mean they're not us this is an extremely
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powerful country definitely with a lot of an influence on for example such a country as qatar which is reportedly of the main source of weapons and support for for armed opposition so the fact they simply say that they themselves are not doing that does not does not really absolve them completely from responsibility of what is happening. now to some other world news in brief for you this hour at least twenty people have reportedly been killed in a stampede at a railroad station in northern india after a crowded overpass collapsed local media says the death called toll could rise the accident occurred as tens of millions are gathered on the banks of the ganges river for the crew mellow religious festival. in the u.s.
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a one million dollar reward is being offered for any information leading to the rest of the x. l.a.p.d. officer who has declared war on his former colleagues it's the fourth day of the manhunt for christopher dorner the dismissed officer accused of three murders officials promise that they will look into the fugitives allegations of racism and corruption among his ex colleagues that has created an uproar i mean internet. drenching rains have caused the severe flooding leaving at least six people dead in peru's southern city of our equipment thousands of people were left without electricity and drinking. water at least two bridges were destroyed cutting the city off from neighboring villages for his rainy season typically begins in february often resulting in heavy flooding and landslides. and what looked like a distant olympic dream for russians has now become very close to reality and countdown has kicked off across the country marking one year before russia hosts its first ever winter games but celebrations and praise for the unique facilities
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built from scratch went hand in hand with harsh criticism for overspending and missed deadlines artie's andrew farmer reports from such a. fireworks lit up the sochi sky this week marking exactly a year to go before the winter games begin since two thousand and seven piece by piece the city has been putting it in the dream together in the company in charge of construction says russia will be ready and. we plan to introduce all the facilities before the games start training facilities are ready practically all of them of hosted tests competitions all hotels and limpid villages are in the final phase of construction being referred and furnished the shed jewels to open in the autumn we plan to complete construction long before the end of the year said personnel can train a managers can gain experience in providing a good service however such a vast undertaking has not been without its problems presentation was in the region this week to check on private grass and was taking no prisoners the ski jumping
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center the anything not yet up and running and this exchange with russian olympic officials of the costs of this whole facility costing what's the overall. it was your initial we were assessing the amount of. the story what's a rough estimate. this initial price was one point two billion now it was one point two billion has turned into a billion yes well done good work let's move on. it was. in the sacking of a key member of russia's limp dick committee at fifty billion dollars the sochi games will be the most expensive in in history they have cost ten times more than the last winter games in vancouver and ten billion dollars more than the games however the results can already be seen and they are impressive if you do take a quick look around you can see what money can buy at the center of the limping
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which is six pennies all within a stone's throw of each other to host the curling the skating and the ice hockey and this is the june in the crown the bolshoi i study. the past arena was used for a spectacular skating show i was part of the countdown celebrations and in a year's time it will host the in the ice hockey final in d.c. me so tropical like ation the slogan for thought she twenty fourteen is hot cool your top because he didn't pick pockets than by the blacks in case there i'm cold because all the alpine events or take place alone just forty kilometers away. progress is rapid up there to the resort has sprung up from nowhere to become the home of alpine skiing biathlon and cross country courses have also been created along with the bob sleigh track and a road to really well i spectators to get from the mountains to the coast in just
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a few minutes sochi itself has undergone massive upheaval as kilometers of road am rail lines are put in place and new hotels are built but the mayor believes the region will reap the benefits for years to come. our residents are aware of the conditions they have to face during changes especially. we certainly have many inconveniences because there's not a single street in sochi without renovation going on the roads are regularly dug up which causes traffic jams all the time however the residents are aware that it's necessary for their future though. a brilliant future. then has been overhauled in just six years but the transformation easel most complete and the black sea resort believes it can and will deliver the games to remember this time next year andrew farmer. softly coming up after the break we continue to take a closer look into america's occupy wall street movement stay with us for the.
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world of. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. olympos. mother lives. the speed. her.
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mother will. ultimately. be limitlessly good luck. mother just see the mother and. her. little son i'm a little. slimmer . list.


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